
19 november 2020 | 3:00 – 3:30 PM | CET

Groningen, the Cargo Bike Capital

How will we get our city supplied in the future?
The City of Groningen considers the role that cargo-bikes will play in urban logistics as one of great potential, and a considerable contribution to a more pleasant city environment.

The Municipality of Groningen is working on a future-proof and accessible city centre that invites you to walk and cycle in an environment with as few obstacles as possible. Obviously, a lively inner city cannot do without supplies, but we do think we should organize it cleaner and smarter. In its new urban logistics policy, Groningen is introducing zero emission logistics in 2025, a larger zone with time windows and a new system for exemptions. These new measures should also contribute to stimulating the use of cargo-bikes.

There is already an incredible amount of cycling in Groningen: we may well be the cycling capital of the world. In terms of individual transport, the bicycle is undisputedly number one in Groningen, but when it comes to transporting goods we still have a lot to gain. Our next goal: to become a cargo-bike capital. With optimal cycling logistics  and by replacing as many vans as possible with cargo-bikes.

Many of Groningen’s cargo-bike initiatives are happening in co-operation with companies, showing how crucial private enterprise is to this transformation. In fact, some of the most promising business opportunities in the field of urban logistics lie in figuring out how best to bring various elements together, developing both the software and hardware that will help a city or region thrive. 



Hosted by Jos Sluijsmans

Hosted by Jos Sluijsmans, Director of the International Cargo Bike Festival, we will broadcast the Cargo Bike Talks live from Groningen and share our stories with the world.

A talk with Wilbert van de Kamp
A talk with Wilbert van de Kamp
A talk with Wilbert van de Kamp



Wilbert van de Kamp

3:00 – 3:10 PM
Topic: Grokaalbox
A talk with Wilbert van de Kamp, Creator Grokaalbox

In times of Covid-19, Wilbert van de Kamp introduced the Grokaalbox to support entrepreneurs from Groningen and their local businesses. This box, filled with goodies and products from local shops lets you discover the taste of the city and is delivered with the use of cargo-bike platform Dropper. How does this new localism effect green logistics?

A talk with Rogier Havelaar


PostNLPortrait5769 (2)

Rogier Havelaar

3:10 – 3:20 PM
Subject: PostNL
A talk with Rogier Havelaar, Sustainability Manager PostNL

PostNL is the number one mail and logistics service provider  in the Benelux and has the largest and most modern mail and parcel  logistics network. Emission-free delivery of parcels with light electric freight vehicles is one of the options they are exploring in order to meet their ambitious goal of delivering all letters and parcels emission-free in the last mile in the Benelux countries by 2030. They are testing various LEFV (Light Electric Freight Vehicles) in Dutch cities to investigate which ones are most suitable for parcel delivery in inner cities. In September 2020, PostNL started testing the Nuwiel trailer for parcel delivery in the inner city of Groningen.

A talk with Natalia Tomiyama
A talk with Natalia Tomiyama
A talk with Natalia Tomiyama
A talk with Natalia Tomiyama


NU?WIEL (Natalia Tomiyama) - _AGA1663 - Anne Gaertner

Natalia Tomiyama

3:20 – 3:30 PM
Topic: Nuwiel
A talk with Natalia Tomiyama, founder Nuwiel

Natalia Tomiyama is the founder of Hamburg-based company Nuwiel. Her vision is to free cities from unnecessary car use, noise and air pollution. Nuwiel produces e-trailers that are compatible with any bike, eBike and even cargo-bike. The company is listed in the Top 50 Clean Mobility Startups. The City of Groningen is a proud owner of one of the first trailers produced by Nuwiel and has been testing it since the summer of 2019.
